About interRAI

About us

interRAI is a collaborative network of researchers and practitioners in over 35 countries committed to improving care for persons who are disabled or medically complex. Our network strives to promote evidence-informed clinical practice and policy decision-making.

We maintain high quality standards. Each instrument represents the results of rigorous research and testing to establish the reliability and validity of items, outcome measures, assessment protocols, case-mix algorithms, and quality indicators.

Interview with the President and Vice President of interRAI »

interRAI Worldwide

The map shows both interRAI Member countries and where interRAI instruments have been purchased and are in use.


For information about the interRAI organization, its research, Fellows, or licensing interRAI content, please contact:
or call +1-978-515-5099 and leave a voicemail.

If you need assistance ordering interRAI printed books or ebooks, please contact:
Email: cservice@interRAI.org
Tel in the US: 866-595-5055
Tel outside the US: +1-978-546-8475


We typically issue new instruments and manuals in English. Our instruments have been translated into many languages, including Spanish, French, German, Chinese languages, Korean, Japanese, Icelandic, Italian, Dutch, Estonian, Norwegian, etc. Fellows assist in translating our instruments into native languages.

In the Print Catalog published manuals can be searched by language


For more information on licensing, please complete our Contract and Licensing Query.

Contract and Licensing Query

We actively pursue partnerships with organizations and governments that wish to adopt our tools. Use is permitted only by written license with interRAI; the purchase of a User’s manual does not provide a use license. Licensing usually requires royalty payments for use of our intellectual property either by software vendors or government/care providers, and requires the sharing of fully-deidentified data with interRAI solely for research purposes. Researchers’ use of our tools solely for research studies requires a license, but usually does not require royalties. Revenues are used solely for research and development purposes, enabling interRAI to develop new systems and update those that are already in use.

As a nonprofit corporation under the US Tax Code, interRAI holds the copyright to our assessment systems, including those for long-term care facilities (MDS Version 2.0 and 3.0 are in the public domain only within the United States), home care, palliative care, mental health (outside of Canada), intellectual disability, acute care, child and youth, and quality of life, among others.

The scales, algorithms, and case-mix measures based on these assessment instruments are not copyrighted and are thus available to everyone, although the individual items on which they are based are copyrighted.

The major clauses of our royalty-free licenses include:

  • the instrument is not to be changed substantially (except individual identifiers and demographics), although additional items can be added;
  • only licensed translations can be used;
  • the instrument will not be incorporated into products to be sold to or paid for by others;
  • the organization will make appropriate efforts to inform others of the copyright status of the instrument;
  • interRAI’s logo and copyright notice are to appear on the form and any other publication;
  • authors, author institutions, and translators (as appropriate) are to be acknowledged in any document where authors would usually be listed;
  • electronic data from use of the instrument are to be shared with interRAI, subject to existing laws on confidentiality and data use.

Use of interRAI systems usually requires royalties. Licenses usually pertain to individual instruments and nations. Software vendors are usually required to:

  • develop methods to sublicense the interRAI instruments to users;
  • imbed export routines in their software to enable data-sharing, including with interRAI;
  • implement user reports for scales and other algorithms;
  • avoid mounting interRAI licensed products on the open web.

We will be pleased in any license negotiations to acknowledge the participation of individuals or organizations that have played a substantial role in getting the instrument to the point of implementation.

For more information on licensing, please contact: contracts@interRAI.org


Search our list of Vendors with contact information and the interRAI software they produce.

Licensed Software Vendors »


If you are an interRAI Fellow or an authorized Vendor you may click on the link below to access the interRAI Repository, a Microsoft Office 365 SharePoint site. You will be prompted to log in with your interRAI Repository username and password.

Click here to Log in to interRAI.SharePoint.com

If you need assistance, please contact repository@interRAI.org. We will respond as quickly as possible within one business day.

A help file in PDF format is available for “How to Accept Your Invitation to the New Repository.