Embedded within each interRAI instrument are various scales and indices that can be used to evaluate an individual’s clinical status. These scales have been carefully researched, ensuring that they are comparable to conventional “gold standard” measures. Following are the most widely used status and outcome measures developed by interRAI working groups.
Status and Outcome Scales
Physical Function
- Activities of Daily Living (ADL) Hierarchy PDF
- ADL Short Form Scale
- ADL Long Form Scale
- Functional Hierarchy Scale
- Instrumental ADL (IADL) Capacity Hierarchy Scale
- IADL Performance and Capacity Scales
Mood & Behavior
- Aggressive Behavior Scale
- CAGE (for problem drinking)
- Depression Rating Scale PDF
- Depression Severity Index
- Mania Scale
- Positive Symptoms Scale
- Risk of Harm to Others
- Severity of Self-Harm Scale
- Self-Care Index
- Social Withdrawal Scale
Child and Youth
- Activities Of Daily Living Scale
- Aggressive Behaviour Scale
- Anhedonia Scale
- Anxiety Scale
- Depressive Severity Index
- Disruptive Aggressive Behaviour Scale
- Distractibility/Hyperactivity Scale
- Externalizing Problem Scale
- Family Functioning Scale
- Internalizing Problem Scale
- Parenting Strengths Scale
- Peer Conflict Scale
- Positive Symptoms Scale
- Risk of Harm to Others Scale
- Risk of Injury to Others
- Risk of Suicide and Self-Harm in Kids
- Severity of Self-harm Scale
- School Disengagement Scale
- Sleep Scale
- Youth IADL Capacity Scale
- Youth IADL Performance Scale
Social Function